When it comes to car insurance rates, gender is one of the factors that insurance companies use to calculate insurance premiums. While many factors contribute to determining car insurance premiums, such as driving history, age, and vehicle type, statistical data has suggested that gender plays a significant role in pricing. Understanding the average car insurance rates by gender can provide valuable insights into how insurance companies assess risk and calculate premiums for individuals based on their gender.

Average car insurance rates by driver’s gender

Car insurance rates can vary based on a number of factors, including the driver’s gender. While the impact of gender on insurance premiums has lessened in recent years due to changes in regulations and a growing emphasis on equality, it can still play a role in determining rates. 

The average car insurance rates for a male drivers is $1,607, whereas a female driver pays $1,614 for the same coverage.

Here, we break down the average car insurance rates by gender to provide you with a clearer picture of how this factor may influence your coverage costs.

Gender Avg. Annual Premium
Female $ 1,614
Male $ 1,607

Average car insurance rates for male drivers by age

The average annual premium for male drivers starts at a significantly higher rate for those aged 16 at $7,096, and then sees a steady decline as the age of the driver increases. This rate change continues until the age of 60, when the rates begin to rise again, reaching the highest point at the age of 75 with an average premium of $1,790.

It’s interesting to note that there is a significant drop in premium rates between the ages of 19 and 20, where the average annual premium reduces from $3,883 to $3,497. This is because s male drivers gain more experience on the road, they’re deemed as less of a risk to insurance providers.

Age Avg. Annual Premium
16 $ 7,096
17 $ 5,838
18 $ 5,149
19 $ 3,883
20 $ 3,497
21 $ 2,826
22 $ 2,575
23 $ 2,370
24 $ 2,215
25 $ 1,958
30 $ 1,716
35 $ 1,657
40 $ 1,607
45 $ 1,579
50 $ 1,520
55 $ 1,476
60 $ 1,465
65 $ 1,520
70 $ 1,616
75 $ 1,790

Average car insurance rates for female drivers by age

The data table below shows that the average annual premium for female drivers start at a lower rate compared to male drivers of the same age. For a 16-year-old female driver, the average annual premium is $6,285, which is $811 less than that of a male driver at the same age.

The premium rates for female drivers see a steady decline as the driver’s age increases, reaching the lowest point at the age of 60 with an average annual premium of $1,451. The premium rates for female drivers start increasing again after the age of 65 and reach a peak of $1,706 at 75 years of age.

Age Avg. Annual Premium
16 $ 6,285
17 $ 5,168
18 $ 4,531
19 $ 3,393
20 $ 3,073
21 $ 2,523
22 $ 2,335
23 $ 2,176
24 $ 2,061
25 $ 1,869
30 $ 1,702
35 $ 1,659
40 $ 1,614
45 $ 1,585
50 $ 1,516
55 $ 1,466
60 $ 1,451
65 $ 1,491
70 $ 1,572
75 $ 1,706

Insurance companies assess risk factors when determining premiums. Young male drivers are often perceived as riskier due to their likelihood of engaging in reckless driving behavior, leading to higher premiums for teen drivers. As you gain more experience on the road and maintain a safe driving record, the perception of risk decreases, resulting in lower premiums. 

Car insurance rate comparison by age group and gender

Teen drivers (16-19 years old) have the highest car insurance premiums for both genders. Female teen drivers pay an average of $4,844, while male teen drivers pay a slightly higher rate of $5,492. This is due  to the fact that young male drivers are often perceived as riskier drivers due to their likelihood of engaging in reckless driving behaviorFor young adults (20-24 years old), the gap between male and female drivers starts to narrow. Female drivers in this age group pay an average premium of $2,434, while male drivers pay $2,697.

As drivers age(25-60 years old), the difference in premiums almost disappears, with female drivers paying an average of $1,608 and male drivers paying $1,622. This can be attributed to drivers gaining more experience and having a more stable driving history.

Senior drivers (65-75 years old) also experience a small difference in premiums, with females paying an average of $1,590 and males paying $1,642. This could be due to the fact that, at this age, driving patterns start to change, and both genders are perceived as less risky on the road.

Age group Female Male
16-19 (Teens) $ 4,844 $ 5,492
20-24 (Young Adults) $ 2,434 $ 2,697
25-60 (Adults) $ 1,608 $ 1,622
65-75 (Seniors) $ 1,590 $ 1,642

Credit score game: How it influences your car insurance rates

Credit scores can also have a significant impact on car insurance rates, regardless of gender. Drivers with fair credit scores tend to pay higher premiums compared to those with good credit scores – $2,305 for females and $2,275 for males. This could be because a lower credit score could indicate less financial stability and insurance companies might perceive such drivers as higher risk.

Drivers with good credit scores pay slightly lower premiums – $1,932 for females and $1,915 for males. This could be attributed to their financial stability and responsibility, which could translate to safer driving habits.

On the other hand, drivers with poor credit scores face the highest premiums – $3,422 for females and $3,377 for males. This underscores the importance of maintaining a good credit score, as it can save you a significant amount on car insurance premiums.

Credit bracket Female Male
Fair $ 2,305 $ 2,275
Good $ 1,932 $ 1,915
Poor $ 3,422 $ 3,377

Final thoughts

The car insurance rates will vary significantly based on individual factors such as age, driving history, location, and the type of vehicle being insured. Additionally, some states and countries have prohibited the use of gender as a rating factor, further reducing its impact on insurance premiums. To ensure you’re getting the best possible rate, it’s always a good idea to compare quotes from multiple insurance providers and consider any available discounts.

Frequently asked questions

What factors determine car insurance rates for male and female drivers?

Car insurance rates for male and female drivers are influenced by several factors. These include age, driving experience, location, type of vehicle, credit score, and driving record. Younger drivers, especially teenagers, typically pay higher premiums due to their limited experience. Additionally, individuals with poor credit scores or a history of accidents or traffic violations may also face higher rates. Insurance providers analyze these factors to assess the level of risk associated with insuring a driver.

Are there any legal regulations regarding gender-based pricing?

In the United States, there are no specific legal regulations prohibiting gender-based pricing for car insurance. In most states, insurance companies use gender as a rating factor, as statistics show that males and females had different risk profiles. However, some states have implemented regulations that restrict the use of gender as the sole determinant of insurance rates. It’s essential to check your state’s regulations and consult with insurance professionals to understand how gender influences pricing in your area.

Can gender-neutral insurance pricing be achieved?

Gender-neutral insurance pricing aims to treat male and female drivers equally when determining premiums. While some states have implemented regulations to restrict the use of gender as the sole rating factor, achieving completely gender-neutral pricing can be challenging. Insurance companies consider various risk factors, including age and driving history, which can differ between genders. However, the goal is to ensure that premiums are based on relevant risk factors rather than solely on gender.


CompuQuote commissioned Quadrant Information Services to get car insurance rates for different genders of all ages. Data is based on a profile of an individual driving a 2021 Honda Accord carrying full coverage car insurance with a good credit score and driving record. We compared 5,68,38,240 insurance quotes of 41 company groups across 29,162 cities and different ZIP codes to analyze the car insurance data.